31 May 2021

Karuppu Ulundu Laddu With Jaggery | Urad Dal Ladoo | Black Gram Laddu

About The Recipe:

Karuppu Ulundu Laddu With Nattu Sakkarai | Urad Dal Ladoo | Black Gram Laddu

A quick and healthy ladoo. Also healthy alternative snack for every one. Its very easy to prepare. Made with the powdered jaggery, cashews, almonds, ghee and flavored with the cardamom.

Instead of jaggery, we can also use nattu sakkari, brown sugar or thick syrup of karuppatti (palm jaggery). Similarly we can also make with millet like thinai, kelvaragu, kambu. Always use heavy kadaai \ pan, to roast the black gram evenly and without burning. Store them in a air-tight box upto one week.

Do try this and enjoy with your family. Now lets see how to make this black gram laddu with easy step by step instructions, images and YouTube video.