11 Feb 2017

Red Velvet Cake | Valentine Day Special Delicious Red Velvet Cake

Recipe :

Red Velvet Cake | Valentine Day Special Delicious Red Velvet Cake

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Recipe Cuisine: World
Recipe Category: Cake
Yield: One 9" cake

About The Recipe:

Valentine Day Special - Red Velvet Cake | Delicious Homemade Red Velvet Cake - I made this cake for my lovely family. All are enjoyed very much. Beginners also can easily make this cake. It is made with the main ingredients of buttermilk, cocoa, butter, vinegar and usual simple ingredients. The original recipe is usually make with the oil and ordinary white sugar only. To enhance the cake taste, I used brown sugar and melted butter. Now lets see how to make this easy red velvet cake with step by step images and instructions.

Ingredients :

Unsalted Butter - 200 gm
Maida - 2 cups
Cocoa Powder - 1\3 cup
Cooking Soda - 1 tsp
Salt - 1\2 tsp
Butter Milk - 1 cup
Powdered Brown Sugar - 1 cup
Eggs - 2 no
Vinegar - 1 tbsp
Liquid Red Food Colour - 1 tbsp (+ or -)
Vanilla Essence - 1 tsp
Sugar - 1\2 cup
Water - 1 cup
Cake Glaze Gel - 1\2 cup (+ or -)
Red Food Color - 1\2 tsp (+ or -)
Whipped Cream - required
Grated White Chocolate - required
Cake Sprinkle - required.
Method :

Steps To Make The Red Velvet Cake Recipe:

First grease and dust the nine inch cake tin with butter and flour, keep aside. Melt the butter and cool it completely. Then sieve the maida with cocoa, cooking soda and salt for two to three times and keep aside. Preheat the oven at 180 degree Celsius. Meantime, make the cake batter.
To make the red velvet cake batter, take a mixing bowl, add the butter milk, powdered brown sugar, eggs, melted butter, vinegar, red food colour and vanilla essence. Beat for an minute with electric beater. Then whisk in the sieved flour mixture gently without lumps and the cake batter is ready.
Transfer the cake batter into prepared cake tin and gently tap on the floor, to spread the batter evenly on all sides. Then bake for forty minutes (+ or -). To test the cake, insert a toothpick or knife in the center of baked cake, it should comes out clearly else bake for five to ten minutes more. Then cool the cake in the tin. To remove the cake in the tin, gently run the knife at the sides of tin and invert it. Remove the top crust, then slice the cake into two layers and again cool completely. Now the cake is ready to frosting. For that make the sugar syrup with a cup of water, cool and keep aside. Then mix the glaze gel and required red food colour, keep aside. (If the glaze gel is thick means, microwave it for 10 to 20 sec, cool it, mix with colour and use.)
Take a sliced cake piece, sprinkle some sugar syrup to moist the cake. Then layer the whipped cream for about one centimeter thickness. Then place the another sliced cake piece, sprinkle some sugar syrup and fully cover the cake with whipped cream. After that decorate with glaze gel and white chocolate. Now the cake is ready.
My Notes: 1. Once the wet and dry ingredients are mixed means, bake the batter immediately. Because the vinegar and cooking soda form air bubbles, it helps to raise the cake. 2. If you not have the vinegar means, leave it, for that use a teaspoon of baking powder and reduce the quantity of cooking soda into half a teaspoon. 3. If you not have the buttermilk means, mix half a cup of curd and half a cup of water, mix well and use.
Serving Suggestion: Serve the red velvet cake with ice cream.
Page: Collection Of Cake Recipes.
Variation: Coffee lovers add thick dicoction of a tablespoon of instant coffee powder.
If you like this recipe: You will like this Indian bakery style honey cake recipe also.
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